Sunday, January 18, 2015

Kindness Catcher {freebie!}

Hello sweet friends!
It's Sarah from A Sunny Day in First Grade!

I have a fun little freebie for you today!
If you live where it's cold, like me, you've probably been having LOTS of indoor recess.
Your favorite right?!?! ;)

I've noticed my kids have been getting antsy and have started tattling...a lot.
So I pulled out our Kindness Catcher to help them be more positive!

It's really easy and it works!!
All you need is a little basket/box/bin of your choice.
I leave out little pieces of paper.  
When the kids see someone doing or saying something nice, they write it down and stick it in the Kindness Catcher.
At the end of the day, we read them all.

They LOVE it and it's seriously the cutest thing ever!
They write the nicest things about their friends...and about their teacher...tehehe. :)

You can grab some labels for your Kindness Catcher {here!}

Enjoy the long weekend!!


  1. We will definitely be doing this this week!!!! :)

  2. I love this idea. I will try it tomorrow. We need to share the good stuff more!
